Saturday, May 23, 2020

The Lesson Plan Is Centered Around The Students Learning...

The lesson plan is centered around the students learning more about animal adaptations. The lesson begins with the teacher reviewing on what animal adaptation means and what some animal adaptations are. After everyone understands what animal adaptations are, they begin a game. The students are to name six creative adaptions along with the names of six real animals. After they have on 12 items listed the students are to roll a dice twice and match the number with the adaptation the first time, and the animal matched with the number of the second dice rolled. After Everyone has played the game, they will draw a picture of their new animal and write a paragraph about the â€Å"new† animal and how the adaptations help it. The lesson is learner-centered because there is not a lot of direct instruction, the students are doing a lot of the learning with little bits of guidance. From the Annotated list of teaching techniques, I would say that this game is in the category of â€Å"dis covery learning†. The students have to rely on some of their prior knowledge to be successful in this activity. During the activity, the students are leading the activity more than the teacher because everyone should be actively involved in rolling the dice and creating animals with â€Å"new† adaptations. 3. Critique †¢ The first strength in this lesson is that the objectives are listed clearly and they fit nicely with the entire lesson. None of the objectives seem out of place or placed to fill the objectivesShow MoreRelatedThe Mother Tongue Language as the Medium of Instruction from Kinder to Grade 33204 Words   |  13 PagesAbstract This study analyzes the perception of BEED students of Taguig City University towards Mother Tongue Language as the medium of instruction from kinder to Grade 3. 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